ZAUSAN Innovación Tecnológica Apps

Z- Photo Fake for Chats 5.8
Gets tons of fun with Fake App sending to yourfriends and chat groups images that are not what they seems throughthe biggest instant message client most popular over theworld...
Image Search for chats 4.4
Are you bored of plain text and the same emoticons on your chatsconversations? Bring a breath of fresh air to your conversationsadding an image from the web that best illustrates what you aretalking about. Remember that an image is worth a thousand words..."Image Search" is compatible with most chat apps available. It isextremely simply to use: -From inside your favorite chat app, clickon add images from gallery (in some apps, a long press over thegallery icon is needed). Click on the "Image Search" icon, thensearch and select an image, and you are done.The image has beenmerged to your chat, see the video for further help) -You can alsolaunch "Image Search" from the desktop, search an image and thenselect your favorite chat app from the "share menu". (Some chatapps doesn't allow to launch "Image Search" straigh from inside, soyou have to use this method.) Imagine the posibilities that thisapp could give you when chatting with your friends. The bestembeded image search engine for your chat apps.
Differences 3: Free Games HD 1.2.6
Find the differences between two images. Youcan play against the clock or with 3 lives, your choice. It is aperfect game to pass the time. In total there are 60 images and youhave to find the 5 differences in each of them.Differences 3 Free Games HD is a classic pastimes game in which youwill put to test your visual acuity, your concentration, yourintelligence and your patience.Differences 3 Free Games HD is the classic game to which ever wehave all played. In this version for smartphones and tablets youhave to find the differences by touching them with your finger. Ifyou fail to find them you will lose time or you will lose a life.In total there are 5 hidden differences in each scenario. Allimages are HD pictures and they will look great in yourtablet!
Gasolina Barata Z-GasoRedux 1.0.13
Localizador de gasolineras baratas y gestordecombustibleZ-GasoRedux le ofrece información totalmente actualizada delosprecios de los combustibles de las gasolineras enEspaña,permitiéndole localizar la más barata y guiarle hasta ella,através de un interfaz atractivo e intuitivo.Es también un potente gestor de repostaje, para que puedallevarun control del gasto de combustible, calculando y mostrandodemanera gráfica, datos como los consumos medios, loskilómetrosrecorridos por depósito, la evolución del precio, o laemisión deCO2 generada.Además, Z-GasoRedux, le muestra en tiempo real las gasolinerasdesu entorno, con el precio del combustible actualizado,pudiendovisualizar el listado de todas las gasolineras, ordenarlaso vertoda la información disponible sobre una gasolineraconcreta.Adicionalmente, podrá planificar los repostajes a realizar enunviaje, y guiarse con la aplicación, que le mostrará la ruta,eltiempo y la distancia hasta la gasolinera más barata, así comoeltiempo, la distancia y la velocidad del recorrido totaldeltrayecto.En la actualidad, Z-GasoRedux solo dispone de datos enESPAÑA,aunque estamos trabajando para extender la cobertura a otrospaísesdel mundo.También puedes disfrutar de esta información desdecualquiernavegador de manera totalmente gratuita enwww.gasoredux.comCheap gas stationlocatorand fuel managerZ-GasoRedux offers completely updated information fuel pricesofpetrol stations in Spain, enabling you to locate the cheapestandguide you to it, through an attractive and intuitiveinterface.It is also a powerful refueling manager, so you can keep trackoffuel consumption, calculating and displaying graphically, dataandmedia consumption, distance traveled per tank, the evolutionofprices, or the emission of CO2 generated.In addition, Z-GasoRedux, shows real-time gas stations intheirenvironment, with updated fuel prices, and may view a list ofallgas stations, sort and view all available information onaparticular station.Additionally, you can plan to perform refueling on a trip,andguided in the application, which will show you the route, timeanddistance to the cheapest gas station, and the time, distanceandspeed of the total road tour .Currently, Z-GasoRedux only data available in SPAIN, but weareworking to extend coverage to other countries.You can also enjoy from any browser this informationcompletelyfree
Z - 3D Fx 1.0.0
Z-3DFx allows you to take an extraordinary3Deffect picture with the known "Wiggle Effect".It includes an onscreen help that will quickly teach youthetechniques to take incredible pictures to surprise your familyandfriends.Now you can also add an axis (or grid) on the screen as a guidewhenyou take the picture to easier your work and get betterresults. Youjust have to go to Menu to turn it on.It also has photo examples in the 3D Gallery of the app so youcanget the idea of the kind of effect that you should obtain.Enjoy it!
NUNC mensajería 1.0.48
Aplicación de mensajería instantánea.